Harry Potter TV Serie Wiki

Extended, Deleted And New Scenes Added To The Philosopher's Stone DVD[]

Owl Flying
Snape Deleted
  • Longer opening sequence with an owl flying - 0:00:13
  • Vernon and Petunia discuss the evening news and Petunia's sister in the evening at Privet Drive - 0:04:39
  • Hagrid flying towards Privet Drive on flying motorcycle - 0:00:20
  • Harry's at Mrs. Figg's - 0:05:22
  • Extended Zoo Scene - 0:02:34
  • Vernon Say: "What Are You Going To Say For Yourself?" - 0:00:03
  • Dudley models his Smeltings Uniform - 0:00:52
  • Aunt Petunia finds letters inside eggs - 0:00:35
  • The milkman delivers milk bottles filled with letters for Harry - 0:01:03
  • The Dursley’s go to stay at Railview Hotel, until the owner says he has some letters for a Harry Potter - 0:00:59
  • Hagrid and Harry enter the underground train station. Hagrid gets stuck in the ticket barrier - 0:00:12
  • Hagrid and Harry on the train. Hagrid discusses his desire to own a pet dragon - 0:00:38
  • As Hagrid talks to the Goblin another Goblin comes up to Harry and stares at him - 0:00:17
  • Hagrid and Harry are lead through the tunnels of Gringotts on a wild cart ride with Griphook the Goblin - 0:01:54
  • Harry visits Madam Malkin’s where he meets Draco Malfoy - 0:05:44
  • Hagrid buys Harry an ice cream - 0:00:25
  • As Harry walks along the platform he sees Fred and George looking at a spider of Lee Jordan’s - 0:00:34
  • Neville being yelled at by his Grandmother because he has lost his toad - 0:00:09
  • Altered encounter between Harry and Malfoy on the stairs - 0:02:31
  • Extended scene of Dumbledore making the start of term notices - 0:01:01
  • Extended sorting ceremony - 0:01:36
  • The Gryffindors encounter Peeves on the moving stairs - 0:05:34
  • Transfiguration lesson - 0:02:41
  • Extended Snape’s Class - 0:01:24
  • Peeves and Filch - 0:01:23
  • Ron Say That The Troll Smells Like Fred's Socks - 0:00:06
  • Harry, Ron and Hermione discuss the troll and become friends - 0:00:16
  • Extended Quidditch match - 0:03:06
  • Christmas dinner - 0:04:31
  • Harry and the Weasley’s have a snowball fight in the courtyard - 0:01:37
  • Fred and George bewitch snowballs to follow Quirrell around - 0:00:48
  • Harry reads the note that accompanied his invisibility cloak again, he decides to take a stroll - 0:00:57
  • Ron discourags Harry from visiting the mirror again - 0:01:00
  • Dumbledore Mention That He Don't Need A Cloak To Be Invisible - 0:00:06
  • Harry Ask Dumbledore What He See In The Mirror - 0:00:23
  • Harry and Ron finds Nicolas Flamel on a chocolate frog card - 0:01:01
  • Harry Talks Little More Nicolas Flamel - 0:00:52
  • Hourglasses Remove 150 Point From Gryffindor - 0:02:27
  • Extended forbidden forest scene - 0:01:42
  • Extended encounter with Neville, Neville asks Hermione to kiss Trevor goodnight - 0:00:14
  • Extended Devils Snare scene - 0:00:24
  • Quirrell's Troll room - 0:01:06
  • Voldemort: "Get the stone.", Quirrell: "I can't master." - 0:00:03
  • Dumbledore Mentioned That Harry's Father Saved Snape - 0:00:14